Biblical Part:
God’s plan for the peoples of the earth
Discover the common thread in the Bible as it unfolds from as early as Genesis 1. An amazing eye opener! -
Historical Part:
The spread and growth of Christianity
Marvel at the tremendous growth of the Christian faith: just a few people changed the whole world! -
Strategic Part:
Methods and strategies, unreached people groups
Examine what still needs to be done to bring God’s worldwide plan of redemption to completion. -
Cultural Part:
Cross-cultural communication, worldview and cooperation.
Learn basic things about interacting with other cultures. Recognize the opportunities for the Gospel that come from Christians working together.
Bible with tablet and coffee in a wooded table..
Components of the Course
Teaching Video

Inspirational teaching videos covering the biblical, historical, strategic and cultural areas of mission concern in a way that makes mission easily understood. Supplementary videos complement and reinforce the teaching and other activities in each session.

Selected articles serve to deepen individual topics.
Prayer Focus

Prayer for the least reached peoples, both globally as well as those living in our own cities and communities.
Growth Point Groups